Do you or need a Chromebook to finish a paper/project or need a DVD player to watch one of the many Masland Library DVDs? Working in the library and can't reach a power supply?
The Masland Library has the answer.
The following are available for faculty, staff, and students to borrow:
Power Banks & Power Cords
These items are typically for in library use, but if you need them for a class please reach out to library@cairn.edu for a possible exception.

The Masland Library offers two different types of Chromebooks
1. Eight (8) Samsung Chromebooks are available to check out for 2 hours in library use.
2. Five (5) Dell Chromebooks are available for short term loan and are intended for students who are awaiting repair of his/her personal device. Loans are for 3 weeks + 1 week renewal. Laptops cannot be renewed nor checked out to the same patron.
Prior to checking out a Chromebook all users must sign a Chromebook Agreement. Sign a Chromebook Agreement here. The Chromebook Agreement can also be found on the Library Website under the Resources Tab.
DVD Drives

Most laptops no longer come with a DVD drive, but in the academic world the need for them still exists. The Masland Library has purchased 10 DVD drives and they are available for faculty, staff, and students to borrow.
Power Banks, Cables, and Cords
Your device running low on power but are not near an outlet? You can charge your mobile phone, tablet or any device with USB or USB-C ports with Anker power banks. Wires are available for checkout. Devices can be checked out for three (3) hours and be taken from the library.
Additionally, the Masland Library holds various computer cables and power blocks for in library use.