Hebrews by Edward FudgeIntended for preachers, university and seminary students and adult Bible class teachers, Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today is a'bridge'commentary -- delivering the best insights of contemporary scholarship in understandable, non-technical language. Edward William Fudge shows that the author of Hebrews used four Psalms as a framework to re-tell the story of Jesus to a disheartened audience that was tempted to walk away. The same structure and intense focus on Jesus permeates and empowers this narrative commentary, bringing fresh encouragement to believers today.
Commentary on Hebrews by Thomas R. SchreinerThe Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary series explores the theology of the Bible in considerable depth, spanning both Testaments. Authors come from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, though all affirm the inerrancy and inspiration of Scripture. United in their belief in the underlying unity of Scripture, each author explores the contribution of a given book or group of books to the theology of Scripture as a whole. All volumes provide a discussion of introductory matters, including the book’s historical setting and the literary structure. Also included is an exegetical treatment of all the relevant passages in succinct commentary-style format. The major contribution of each volume, however, is a thorough discussion of the most important themes of the biblical book in relation to the canon as a whole. This format, in itself, would already be a valuable contribution to biblical theology. But there are other series that try to accomplish a survey of the Bible’s theology as well. What distinguishes the present series is its orientation toward Christian proclamation. As a result, the ultimate purpose of this set of volumes is not exclusively, or even primarily, academic. Rather, we seek to relate biblical theology to our own lives and to the life of the church. Our desire is to equip those in Christian ministry who are called by God to preach and teach the precious truths of Scripture to their congregations. In his volume on Hebrews, Thomas R. Schreiner says, "The words of Jesus on the cross, 'it is finished' (John 19:30) capture the theology of Hebrews. My aim in this commentary is to focus on the biblical theology of the letter. The emphasis on biblical theology shows up especially in the introduction and conclusion where theological structures and themes are considered. The commentary will conclude, after presenting an exegesis of each chapter, with a discussion of some major theological themes in Hebrews.”
Call Number: BS2775.53 .S374 2015
ISBN: 0805496130
Publication Date: 2015
Exalting Jesus in Hebrews by R. Albert Mohler; Daniel L. Akin (Editor); David Platt (Editor); Tony Merida (Editor)Exalting Jesus in Hebrews is part of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition presented as sermons and divided into chapters that conclude with a “Reflect & Discuss” section, making this series ideal for small group study, personal devotion, and even sermon preparation. It’s not academic but rather presents an easy reading, practical and friendly commentary. The author of Exalting Jesus in Hebrews is Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Call Number: BS2775.53 .M64 2017
ISBN: 0805496475
Publication Date: 2017
Hebrews by Dana M. Harris; Andreas J. Köstenberger (Editor); Robert W. Yarbrough (Editor)Summary: The Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (EGGNT) closes the gap between the Greek text and the available lexical and grammatical tools, providing all the necessary information for greater understanding of the text. The series makes interpreting any given New Testament book easier, especially for those who are hard pressed for time but want to preach or teach with accuracy and authority. Each volume begins with a brief introduction to the particular New Testament book, a basic outline, and a list of recommended commentaries. The body is devoted to paragraph-by-paragraph exegesis of the Greek text and includes homiletical helps and suggestions for further study. A comprehensive exegetical outline of the New Testament book completes each EGGNT volume. -- Back cover.
Call Number: BS2775.53 .H37 2019
ISBN: 9781433676277
Publication Date: 2019
Hebrews by Mary Ann BeavisHebrews seems like unpromising material for feminist interpretation, although it is the only New Testament writing for which female authorship has been seriously posited. Mary Ann Beavis and HyeRan Kim-Cragg highlight the similarities between Hebrews and the book of Wisdom/Sophia, which share cosmological, ethical, historical, and sapiential themes, revealing that Hebrews is in fact a submerged tradition of Sophia-Wisdom. They also tackle the sacrificial Christology of Hebrews, concluding that in its ancient context, far from symbolizing suffering and abjection, sacrifice was understood as celebratory and relational. Contributions from Filipina (Maricel and Marilou Ibita), Jewish (Justin Jaron Lewis), historical (Nancy Calvert-Koyzis), and First Nations (Marie Annharte Baker) perspectives bring additional scholarly, cultural, religious, and experiential wisdom to the commentary.
Call Number: BS2775.53 .B43 2015
ISBN: 9780814682043
Publication Date: 2015
Hebrews by D. Stephen LongThe book of Hebrews is a fascinating extended sermon that has guided and nurtured the church through many significant controversies throughout its history not only as a solution to a problem but also as a problem that still seeks a solution. The counsel to hold fast onto the confession we received and to be willing to wander, moving toward that which we have yet to receive is as relevant today as it was nearly two-thousand years ago. Noted theologian D. Stephen Long explores this captivating book and its invitation into a robust world beyond the assumptions of today's scientific worldviews. Integrating doctrine, ethics, and politics, Hebrews aids the faithful of all generations to negotiate through troubled times.
Call Number: BS2775.53 .L66 2011
ISBN: 9780664232511
Publication Date: 2011
Hebrews by David L. AllenTHE NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY series is an exceptionally acclaimed resource for ministers and Bible students who want to understand and expound the Scriptures. Notable features in this new Hebrews volume by scholar David Allen include: Commentary based on the New International Version, NIV text printed in the body of the commentary, Sound scholarly methodology reflecting capable research in the original languages, Interpretation emphasizing the theological unity of each book and Scripture as a whole, Readable and applicable exposition.
Call Number: BS2775.53 .A45 2010
ISBN: 9780805401356
Publication Date: 2010
Hebrews, James by Ronald K. RittgersSummary: "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen," wrote the author of the epistle to the Hebrews. Reflecting on this verse and the epistle s description of the high priestly and sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ, Swiss Reformed theologian and exegete Heinrich Bullinger defined faith as the most constant mental certainty, which rests on those things to which all our hope is directed, namely . . . the expectation of salvation and the recognition of our truly blessed God and Savior, who is the inexhaustible fountain of all good. Both the epistle to the Hebrews and the epistle of James generated much discussion and debate during the Reformation period. The author of the former is unknown, and the latter was dismissively labeled as an epistle of straw by Martin Luther. Yet both of these letters have proven to be essential for Christians during the Reformation era and today who seek to understand the significance of the work of Jesus Christ and what it means to follow him. In this volume of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, church historian and theologian Ronald K. Rittgers guides readers through a diversity of early modern commentary on both Hebrews and James. Readers will hear from familiar voices as well as lesser-known figures from a variety of theological traditions, including Lutherans, Reformed, Radicals, Anglicans, and Roman Catholics. Drawing on a variety of resources including commentaries, sermons, treatises, and confessions much of which appears here for the first time in English, this volume provides resources for contemporary preachers, enables scholars to better understand the depth and breadth of Reformation commentary, and helps all who seek the assurance and conviction that is found in Christ alone.
Call Number: BS2341.52 .R44 v.13
ISBN: 9780830829767
Publication Date: 2017
Hebrews, the General Epistles, and RevelationSummary: "This volume from Fortress Commentary on the Bible: New Testament includes commentary on Hebrews through Revelation, a general introduction to these books, and general articles on reading the New Testament through the lenses of the contemporary world, the Jewish heritage of early Christianity, the ancient and modern contexts of diaspora, and the apocalyptic legacy of early Christianity."--Page 4 of cover.
Call Number: BS2775.53 .H437 2016
ISBN: 1506415938
Publication Date: 2016
Hebrews - the Lectio Continua by David B. McWilliamsThe greatest need of the church today is the recovery of sound biblical preaching that faithfully explains and applies the text, courageously confronts sin, and boldly trumpets forth the sovereign majesty, law, and promises of God. It is for this reason that I am pleased to introduce The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament, a new series of expository commentaries authored by an array of seasoned pastor-scholars from various Reformed denomina- tions on both sides of the Atlantic. Jon D. Payne, from the series introduction
Call Number: BS2775.53 .M3 2015
ISBN: 9781938139017
Publication Date: 2014
The Letter to the Hebrews by Jon LaansmaSummary: The New Testament book of Hebrews offers some of the most memorable passages of Scripture on perseverance, faith, rest, the word of God, angels, divine discipline, salvation, the city of God, and Christ, Son and High Priest. Much of its text has spoken with remarkable directness to peoples of all nations down through the centuries. At other points it has remained a difficult argument, even, so it is said, a riddle. This is a commentary for those who want to follow what this book says--follow it both in terms of understanding it and living it. The book is divided into thirty-seven units and each unit is discussed in terms of literary context, background, wording, themes, and possible lines for teaching the text. The commentary is written for any adult reader, whether they already align with Hebrews' faith or are merely curious. It is a serious discussion, but also direct, to the point, and uncluttered by qualifications and technicalities. Whether you are self-studying or preparing to teach or lead discussion, this book is prepared for you. - Publisher.
Atonement and the Logic of Resurrection in the Epistle to the Hebrews by David M. MoffittHebrews appears to have little interest in Jesus' resurrection. Drawing on contemporary studies of Jewish sacrifice, Jewish apocalyptic literature, and fresh exegetical insights, this volume argues that Jesus' resurrection forms the conceptual center of Hebrews' Christological and soteriological reflection.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9789004206519
Publication Date: 2011
Faithfulness and the Purpose of Hebrews by Matthew J. MarohlFaithfulness and the Purpose of Hebrews'offers fresh answers to several unresolved questions by employing that branch of social psychology known as social identity theory. The author of Hebrews describes the faithfulness of Jesus as prototypical and relates the faithfulness of all other to Jesus'faith. Utilizing a model of present temporal orientation, the study interprets the dynamic relationship between the
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780227173374
Publication Date: 2010
Hebrews: Contemporary Methods, New Insights by Gabriella Gelardini (Editor)The present volume contains a collection of fourteen essays applying the latest and neglected methods and offering new and innovative insights into the interpretation of the New Testament book To the Hebrews. The excitingly diverse contributions, which stem from an intriguing international group of senior and younger Hebrews, New Testament, and Old Testament scholars, are presented in three parts: Part One focuses on cultic language, concepts, and practice in Hebrews; Part Two on sociology, ethics, and rhetoric in Hebrews; and Part Three on textual-historical, comparative, and intertextual approaches to Hebrews. As the first ever compilation of essays on Hebrews by a range of authors, this volume presents an important contribution to the field of New Testament studies. It will particularly appeal to students, teachers, and scholars interested in a variety of critical perspectives on Hebrews and on the New Testament’s third great theologian next to Paul and John. Moreover, the treatment of hermeneutical, cultic, sociological, and comparative matters in the context of biblical, Greco-Roman, and rabbinic literature will make this collection valuable to an even broader readership.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9004144900
Publication Date: 2005
Psalms and Hebrews by Dirk J. Human; Gert Jacobus Steyn (Editor); Claudia V. Camp (Series edited by); Andrew Mein (Contribution by); Andrew Mein (Series edited by)The reception of early Jewish/Israelite texts in early Christianity provides valuable insights into the hermeneutics of ancient authors and studies in this regard are vital for an understanding of their theology/ies. By focusing particularly on the reception of the Psalms through the hand of the unknown author of Hebrews, Old Testament and New Testament scholars combine forces in this collection to determine the shifts in interpretation of the Psalms that took place during the processes of (re)interpretation within the work of a particular early Christian writer. By paying careful attention to the original reading(s) of the text versions utilized as well as to the manner in which those texts were embedded in a later literary context by the author of Hebrews, they provide a window into the trajectories of the Psalm traditions. A contextual contribution illustrates the versification of the Psalms in a contemporary African language, Afrikaans, to illustrate how the Psalms'reception remains a vivid endeavor in current times.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780567150523
Publication Date: 2010
Reading Hebrew by Joseph ShimronOver the last two decades, the study of languages and writing systems and their relationship to literacy acquisition has begun to spread beyond studies based mostly on English language learners. As the worldwide demand for literacy continues to grow, researchers from different countries with different language backgrounds have begun examining the connection between their language and writing system and literacy acquisition. This volume is part of this new, emerging field of research. In addition to reviewing psychological research on reading (the author's specialty), the reader is introduced to the Hebrew language: its structure, its history, its writing system, and the issues involved in being fluently literate in Hebrew. Chapters 1-4 introduce the reader to the Hebrew language and word structure and focuses on aspects of Hebrew that have been specifically researched by experimental cognitive psychologists. The reader whose only interest is in the psychological mechanisms of reading Hebrew may be satisfied with these chapters. Chapters 5-8 briefly surveys the history of the Hebrew language and its writing system, the origin of literacy in Hebrew as one of the first alphabetic systems, and then raises questions about the viability (or possibility) of having full-scale literacy in Hebrew. Together, the two sets of chapters present the necessary background for studying the psychology of reading Hebrew and literacy in Hebrew. This volume is appropriate for anyone interested in comparative reading and writing systems or in the Hebrew language in particular. This includes linguists, researchers, and graduate students in such diverse fields as cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, literacy education, English as a second language, and communication disorders.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9781410617187
Publication Date: 2006
Reading the Epistle to the Hebrews by Eric Farrel Mason; Kevin B. McCrudenThis volume, designed for classroom use, reflects contemporary trends in the study of an important and complex biblical text. Essays address major interpretive issues and emphasize the importance of interpreting Hebrews in light of its ancient Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman contexts.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9781589836082
Publication Date: 2011
Charts on the Book of Hebrews by Herbert W. BatemanSummary: "The book of Hebrews presents interpretive challenges and theological comparisons unrivaled in the New Testament. Charts on the Book of Hebrews puts this demanding yet rewarding information in an accessible and useful format. The charts fall into four categories: introductory matters (e.g., authorship of Hebrews); influences in Hebrews (e.g. Second Temple messianic figures); theological issues (e.g. words of exhortation); exegetical concerns (e.g. figures of speech). Students will find this an invaluable companion to classes on Hebrews. Pastors and teachers will benefit from these insightful charts to quickly clarify difficult concepts while teaching. And all visual learners will find that these charts make Hebrews more comprehensible."--Publisher description.
Call Number: BS2775.55 .B38 2012
ISBN: 9780825424663
Publication Date: 2012
Essays on John and Hebrews by Harold W. AttridgeHarold W. Attridge has engaged in the interpretation of two of the most intriguing literary products of early Christianity, the Gospel according to John and the Epistle to the Hebrews. His essays explore the literary and cultural traditions at work in the text and its imaginative rhetoric aiming to deepen faith in Christ by giving new meaning to his death and exaltation. His essays on John focus on the literary artistry of the final version of the gospel, its playful approach to literary genres, its engaging rhetoric, its delight in visual imagery. He situates that literary analysis of both works within the context of the history of religion and culture in the first century, with careful attention to both Jewish and Greco-Roman worlds. Several essays, focusing on the phenomena connected with Gnosticism, extend that religio-historical horizon into the life of the early Church and contribute to the understanding of the reception of these two early Christian masterpieces.
Call Number: BS2615.52 .A885 2010
ISBN: 9783161503191
Publication Date: 2010
The Greening of Hebrews? by Jeffrey S. LampDescription: Applying an ecological hermeneutic developed in the Consultation on Ecological Hermeneutics of the Society of Biblical Literature, and in conjunction with intertextual and theological hermeneutics, Jeffrey Lamp creatively reads the Letter to the Hebrews from the perspective of Earth. The author of Hebrews engages in an extended argument that reinterprets features of the old covenant in terms of the Son in order to demonstrate that the new covenant instituted by the Son is superior to the old. In such an argument, the voice of Earth is understandably absent. The author of the letter is frequently understood as denigrating the temporal order, of which the old covenant is a part, while praising the eternal order, of which the new covenant is a part. An ecological reading of Hebrews demonstrates that, despite the rhetorical concerns of the author, embedded in the argument are textual clues, derived primarily from the christological affirmations of the argumentation, connecting Hebrews with the larger biblical concern for the integrity and care of the created order. Endorsements: ""The Greening of Hebrews is a welcome addition to the literature of ecological hermeneutics. Lamp's close reading moves beyond the simplistic discovery of texts about the earth into texts that speak for the earth. Lamp's unique study bridges biblical exegesis and theology, introduces readers to new environmental perspectives, and allows us to hear Earth's voice anew."" --Jeffrey W. Barbeau, Wheaton College ""The Letter to the Hebrews is a surprising place to attempt an application of an ecological hermeneutic; yet Lamp has done it. Lamp offers a reading of the letter from the perspective of the earth that is fresh, creative, balanced, and--most of all--convincing."" --Robby Waddell, Southeastern University ""Lamp succeeds in giving the Letter to the Hebrews--an unabashedly christological and anthropocentric work--a voice in the contemporary Christian dialogue on ecology. Using rigorous critical methodology and careful attention to the nuances of the letter's biblical intertextuality, he traces the ecological implications of key texts in Hebrews and opens up tantalizing possibilities for an ecologically sensitive reading of the letter. This innovative study reveals a new trajectory in the interpretation of the Letter to the Hebrews."" --Peter Trudinger, Flinders University About the Contributor(s): Jeffrey S. Lamp is Professor of New Testament at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is the author of First Corinthians 1-4 in Light of Jewish Wisdom Traditions: Christ, Wisdom, and Spirituality (2000).
Call Number: BS2775.2 .L25 2012
ISBN: 9781610976558
Publication Date: 2012
Inventing Hebrews by Michael Wade Martin; Jason A. WhitlarkInventing Hebrews examines a perennial topic in the study of the Letter to the Hebrews, its structure and purpose. Michael Martin and Jason Whitlark undertake a thorough synthesis of the ancient theory of invention and arrangement, providing a new account of Hebrews's design. The key to the speech's outline, the authors argue, is in its use of "disjointed" arrangement, a template ubiquitous in antiquity but little discussed in modern biblical studies.
Call Number: BS2775.52 .M3328 2018
ISBN: 9781108429467
Publication Date: 2018
The Letter to the Hebrews in Social-Scientific Perspective by David A. deSilvaA lot of mystery surrounds the book of Hebrews, especially regarding its authorship, date, and audience. But by asking the right kind of questions, one can move beyond the impasses typical of historical investigation. In this volume, David deSilva explores Hebrews through a social-scientific lens, asking one of the most important questions when interpreting letters and sermons: What was going on in the community to occasion such a response? DeSilva looks for clues concerning the anonymous author, his education level, the influence of the Greek environment, and his perception of his own authority. In addition, by forming a social profile of the audience that includes location, ethnicity, and class status, deSilva brings to light the author’s aims of helping protect Christian converts from persecution and social shame. This book not only helps the sermon “to the Hebrews” take on flesh and blood for contemporary readers; it also expands the readers’ tools for asking fresh questions and exploring new dimensions in biblical texts.
Call Number: BS2775.2 .D38 2012
ISBN: 9781606088555
Publication Date: 2012
The Mysticism of Hebrews by Jody A. BarnardSummary: "Jody A. Barnard explores the role of Jewish apocalyptic mysticism in the epistle to the Hebrews. He argues that there are numerous apocalyptic and mystical themes appropriated in Hebrews, and that there is evidence to suggest that this is not merely a conceptual and literary phenomenon, but is born out of, and informed by, mystical experience."--From back cover.
Call Number: BS2775.52 .B376 2012
ISBN: 9783161518812
Publication Date: 2012
Old Testament Quotations in Hebrews by Georg A. WalserAbstract: This thesis aims at investigating the use of the Old Testament in the New, and in Hebrews specifically, focusing on two aspects which appear to have been somewhat neglected in previous scholarship, namely the text and context of specific quotations. The aspect of text takes the complicated textual history of the Old Testament into account, especially concentrating on the findings of recent Septuagint research and particularly the possibility that different Hebrew texts may underlie the Greek translation. The aspect of context draws on the assumption that Hebrews was composed in a Jewish context, where the Old Testament text had been interpreted for a long time. It is also presupposed that this exegesis was handed down along with the Hebrew Scriptures not only in the post Second Temple Jewish community, but also in the early Church. Hence primary sources, such as Talmud, Midrash and early Church Fathers, are consulted with the intention of better understanding the interpretation of the Old Testament quotations in Hebrews. To do this three Old Testament texts, which exist in distinctly different versions and have been quoted in Hebrews, have been examined, namely Gen. 47:31b (in Heb. 11:21), Ps. 40:7b (in Heb. 10:5), and Jer. 31:33 (in Heb. 8:10 and 10:16). The outcome of this study shows that several versions of Old Testament texts were interpreted at the time of the New Testament and that the peculiarities of the different versions had a decisive impact on the exegesis of the texts. Further, it shows that some versions of the texts were favoured in the Jewish context while others were preferred in the early Church. Hence different understandings of Old Testament passages in different contexts are sometimes not the result of different interpretations of the same texts, but of the exegesis of different versions of the same text.
Call Number: BS2775.52 .W35 2013
ISBN: 9783161527210
Publication Date: 2013
Preaching Hebrews by Douglas D. WebsterHebrews is a powerful meditation on the gospel. It is a sixty-minute sermon delivered to a worshiping congregation. The spiraling impact of theological exposition and pastoral exhortation is impressive. Hebrews weans us away from our preoccupation with the start of the Christian life and focuses our attention on the perseverance of faith. Life is not a sprint; it's a marathon. Faithfulness to the end affirms faith from the beginning. If we let the word of God have its way with us, Hebrews will deepen our faith in Christ and strengthen our faithfulness. Like Jesus in the Gospels, Hebrews sees the fundamental difference between apostasy and faithfulness as the difference between a religion about God and a Christ-centered relationship with God. Any form of Christianity that competes like other religions for the attention of its adherents through its rituals, practices, pastors, traditions, and sacred spaces, has fallen back into an obsolete and worldly strategy. The pastor calls for a decisive end to religion, even the best religion ever conceived. The flow of reasoned argument for Christ and against religion, along with the pulsating emotional intensity of ultimate issues laid bare, and heart-felt warnings against complacency and unbelief, deliver a powerful and timely message.
Call Number: BS2775 .W427 2017
ISBN: 1532608063
Publication Date: 2017
Psalm 110 and the Logic of Hebrews by Jared Compton; Chris Keith (Contribution by)A neglected area of study of the letter to the Hebrews is the function of the Old Testament in the letter's logic. Compton addresses this neglect by looking at two other ideas that have themselves received too little attention, namely (1) the unique and fundamental semantic contribution of Hebrews' exposition (vis-à-vis its exhortation) and (2) the prominence of Ps 110 in the author's exposition. The conclusion becomes clear that Hebrews' exposition-its theological argument-turns, in large part, on successive inferences drawn from Ps 110:1 and 4. Compton observes that the author uses the text in the first part of his exposition to (1) interpret Jesus' resurrection as his messianic enthronement, (2) connect Jesus' enthronement with his fulfillment of Ps 8's vision for humanity and, thus, (3) begin to explain why Jesus was enthroned through suffering. In the second and third parts of his exposition, the author uses the text to corroborate the narrative initially sketched. Thus, he uses the text to (1) show that messiah was expected to be a superior priest and, moreover, (2) show that this messianic priest was expected to solve the human problem through death.
Call Number: BS2775.52 .C66 2015
ISBN: 9780567662705
Publication Date: 2015
Psalms and Hebrews by Dirk J. Human; Gert Jacobus Steyn (Editor); Claudia V. Camp (Series edited by); Andrew Mein (Contribution by); Andrew Mein (Series edited by)The reception of early Jewish/Israelite texts in early Christianity provides valuable insights into the hermeneutics of ancient authors and studies in this regard are vital for an understanding of their theology/ies. By focusing particularly on the reception of the Psalms through the hand of the unknown author of Hebrews, Old Testament and New Testament scholars combine forces in this collection to determine the shifts in interpretation of the Psalms that took place during the processes of (re)interpretation within the work of a particular early Christian writer. By paying careful attention to the original reading(s) of the text versions utilized as well as to the manner in which those texts were embedded in a later literary context by the author of Hebrews, they provide a window into the trajectories of the Psalm traditions. A contextual contribution illustrates the versification of the Psalms in a contemporary African language, Afrikaans, to illustrate how the Psalms' reception remains a vivid endeavor in current times.