1 and 2 Timothy -Titus by Hulitt GloerSummary: "The letters of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus have been grouped together and referred to as the Pastoral Epistles because they are addressed to individuals charged with the oversight of certain churches and, therefore, share common subject matter. These letters give us an intriguing glimpse into events in the life of the Apostle Paul and the early church that is found nowhere else in the New Testament. As such, they offer the possibility of increasing our knowledge of the history of Paul's life and ministry and the early history of Christianity in general ... the primary goal of the Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series is to make available serious, credible biblical scholarship in an accessible and less intimidating format. A visual generation of believers deserves a commentary series that contains not only the all-important textual commentary on Scripture, but images, photographs, maps, works of fine art, and drawings that bring the text to life. Each volume of the Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series features a CD-ROM, which expands the uses and capabilities of the Commentary even more"--Publisher description.
Call Number: BS2735.53 .G55 2010
ISBN: 9781573125529
Publication Date: 2010
1 and 2 Timothy and Titus by Thomas G. LongSummary: "Thomas G. Long's insightful commentary on the Pastoral Epistles argues that these often-neglected letters are urgently important for readers today. Some of the issues faced by New Testament churches are ours as well: the lure and peril of "spirituality" for Christians, the character of authentic worship, the qualities needed for sound leadership, and the relationship between family life and the church. Long's interpretations of these books consider contemporary exegetical and theological outlooks and are presented through his seasoned homiletical and pastoral perspectives. Pastors will be strengthened by Long's view that the Pastoral Epistles can refresh our memory about what really counts in the Christian community and how important trustworthy leaders are"-- Provided by publisher.
Call Number: BS2745.53 .L66 2016
ISBN: 9780664232627
Publication Date: 2016
1 and 2 Timothy and Titus by Robert W. Wall; Richard B. SteeleSummary: This commentary on 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus by Robert Wall demonstrates the ongoing relevance and authority of the Pastoral Epistles for the church today. Wall employs an apostolic "Rule of Faith" methodology for interpreting these texts as sacred Scripture. Three successive historical case studies by Richard Steele instantiate key themes of the Pastorals. --from publisher description.
Call Number: BS2735.53 .W35 2012
ISBN: 9780802825629
Publication Date: 2012
1 Timothy by A'da Besanon SpencerA thorough and insightful commentary on Paul's letter to his coworker Timothy, which the Apostle wrote before and during Nero's persecution. Spencer carefully examines each part of the letter and relates it to the overall flow of the argument and in light of the larger biblical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. How Paul's writing related to the ancient communities is highlighted in the light of original data gleaned from her explorations on location in Ephesus and throughout Greece. In addition, Paul's rhetorical and ministry strategies, especially as they relate to women and their role in the church, are explored. Throughout, Spencer presents an in-depth exegesis in a readable format enhanced by forty years of ministry.
Call Number: BS2745.53 .S64 2013
ISBN: 1556359918
Publication Date: 2013
1 Timothy by Paul S. Jeon1 Timothy is one of the more controversial documents in the New Testament. For years, critical scholars have rejected Pauline authorship, highlighted the apparent misogynistic quality of the text, and argued against any coherence in the letter. Jeon takes a fresh look at the letter, incorporating many recent advancements in NT scholarship. In detail he demonstrates the macro- and micro- chiastic arrangement of the entire letter and explains how the presumed first-century audience would have heard and responded to an oral performance of the letter. In doing so, Jeon offers a fresh challenge to more popular ways of (mis)understanding the letter and points a way forward for appropriating the letter both in academia and in the church.
Call Number: BS2745.53 .J46 2017 v.1
ISBN: 9781532602412
Publication Date: 2017
1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon by Lee Gatiss (Editor); Bradley G. Green (Editor)Summary: "The epistles of the New Testament provide insight into the realities of the life of the early church, guidance for those called to lead the church, and comfort in the face of theological questions. The Protestant Reformers of the sixteenth century also found wisdom and guidance in these letters. In this RCS volume, Lee Gatiss and Bradley Green guide readers through a diversity of early modern commentary on the New Testament epistles"-- Provided by publisher.
Call Number: BS2341.52 .R44 v.12
ISBN: 9780830829750
Publication Date: 2019
2 Timothy and Titus by A'da Besancon Spencer; Michael Bird (Editor)A thorough and insightful commentary on Paul's letter to his coworker Timothy, which the apostle wrote before and during Nero's persecution. Spencer carefully examines each part of the letter and relates it to the overall flow of the argument and in light of the larger biblical, historical, social, and cultural contexts. How Paul's writing related to the ancient communities is highlighted in the light of original data gleaned from her explorations on location in Crete, Ephesus, and Rome. In addition, Paul's rhetorical and ministry strategies, especially as they relate to women and their role in the church, are explored. Throughout, Spencer presents an in-depth exegesis in a readable format enhanced by forty years of ministry.
Call Number: BIB REF BS2341.52 .N48 v. 16-17
ISBN: 1625642539
Publication Date: 2014
Exalting Jesus in 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus by David Platt; Daniel L. Akin; Tony MeridaEdited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ- centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible. Rather than a verse-by-verse approach, the authors have crafted chapters that explain and apply key passages in their assigned Bible books. Readers will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition. Projected contributors to the series include notable authors such as Russell D. Moore, Al Mohler, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Mark Dever, and others.
Call Number: BS2735.53 .P53 2013
ISBN: 0805495908
Publication Date: 2013
First and Second Timothy and Titus by Christopher R. Hutson; Mikeal Parsons (Series edited by); Charles Talbert (Series edited by); Bruce Longenecker (Series edited by)Summary: Drawing from many parts of the broad Christian tradition, this commentary on First and Second Timothy and Titus helps readers gain a stronger understanding of early Christian ministry in the first two centuries. Paideia commentaries show how New Testament texts use ancient narrative and rhetorical strategies to form and shape the reader and provide a fresh reading of the biblical texts in light of ancient culture and modern issues. Students, pastors, and other readers will appreciate the historical, literary, and theological insight offered in this commentary. --From publisher's description.
Call Number: BS2735.53 .H88 2019
ISBN: 9780801031939
Publication Date: 2019
The Letters to Timothy and Titus by Robert W. YarbroughSummary: "In keeping with the character of Pillar New Testament Commentary volumes, The Letters to Timothy and Titus by Yarbrough offers a straightforward reading of these texts. Their primary concerns - God, salvation, and the pastoral task - remain central to Yarbrough's thorough and comprehensive exegesis. Engaging with the best scholarship and resources, Yarbrough shows how these letters are as relevant today as they were to the early Christians."--Inside jacket flap.
Hostility in the House of God: An Investigation of the Opponents in 1 and 2 Timothy by Dillon T. ThorntonVirtually all scholars acknowledge the presence of opponents in 1 and 2 Timothy, but there is considerable disagreement over the identity of these opponents and the author's way of handling them. In this volume, Thornton provides a critique of a number of extant theories, including'Gnostic,'Jewish, and proto-Montanist identifications, and develops a rigorous methodology for unmasking the opponents who appear in these letters. He argues that the opponents came from within the Christian community in Ephesus and that their teaching is best described as an erroneous eschatological position that derived from the complexity of Paul's views. He also argues that the author of the books of Timothy engaged with the false teachers in significant ways throughout the letters, and draws attention to a number of literary and theological maneuvers that were intended to counteract the opponents'influence and/or to bolster the faithful community's confidence as it struggled against the opponents. Thornton's meticulous investigation sheds new light on the hostility that plays such a large part in 1 and 2 Timothy.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9781575064468
Publication Date: 2016
Paul the Letter-Writer and the Second Letter to Timothy by Michael PriorThis study argues for new perspectives on the letters of Paul, especially the Second Letter to Timothy. It examines striking aspects of Paul's letters, especially the fact that many of them are co-authored, that six of them acknowledge that a secretary has penned the letter, and that 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus are the only ones addressed to individuals. It investigates the implications of these facts for the concept of Pauline authorship. Prior maintains that the received arguments, statistical as well as literary, which exclude 2 Timothy from the influence of Paul, are less than convincing. The author suggests an original reading of 2 Timothy arguing it was composed by Paul towards the end of his first Roman imprisonment. Contrary to all interpretations of the letter which argue that Paul was about to be martyred, Prior claims that Paul was confident that he would be released, and was assembling a mission team to bring his proclamation of the Gospel to a completion. Timothy's courage and missionary zeal needed rekindling, for he and Mark were to be key figures in this new team.
What is Scripture? Paul's Use of Graphe in the Letters to Timothy by L. Timothy Swinson; Ray Van Neste (Foreword by)Analysis of the literary scheme of the letters to Timothy suggests that graphe, as it is employed in each letter, may legitimately be understood to include some of the apostolic writings that now appear in the New Testament. In affirming the Pauline authorship of the Pastoral Epistles, Swinson argues that a form of the Gospel of Luke stands as the source of the second referent of graphe in 1 Tim 5:18. Second, Swinson contends that pasa graphe in 2 Tim 3:16 includes the apostolic writings extant in Paul's day, specifically Luke's Gospel and some of Paul's own writings. These parallel lines of analysis demonstrate that Paul ascribes to his own writings and to those of his coworkers an authoritative standing equal to that of the sacred writings (ta hiera grammata) found in the Old Testament. While many questions surrounding biblical authority and the biblical canon remain, Paul's use of graphe in 1 and 2 Timothy nevertheless advances a high view of both Old Testament and New Testament Scripture.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9781625641007
Publication Date: 2014
1 Timothy Reconsidered by K. P. Donfried (Editor)1 Timothy Reconsidered contains the presentations and deliberations of the nineteenth meeting of the Colloquium Oecumenicum Paulinum, a distinguished group of some thirty-five international and ecumenical Pauline scholars, held at the Abbey of Saint Paul in Rome during September, 2006. 1 Timothy served as the focal point for all eight papers, although the relationship of this text to that of 2 Timothy, Titus and to other Pauline writings was repeatedly considered. Extensive dialogue centered on the methodological issue of pseudonymity and its continued effectiveness as an exegetical tool. Some urged consideration of a broader view of Pauline letter writing, one that involved authorization to, or joint authorship with, co-workers situated in diverse Pauline missionary centers. The volume also contains a major reassessment of theological themes found in 1 Timothy including the relationship of grace to such heteronomous norms as asceticism, the so-called accomodationist character of the letter, especially the relationship of eusebeia to bourgeois Christianity, and whether the use of the category "household" is, in fact, a misrepresentation of Paul's understanding of the church. Under the presidency of Karl Donfried, presenters included David Horrell, Luke Timothy Johnson, Vasile Mihoc, Margaret Mitchell, Yann Redalie, Laszlo Simon and Thomas Soding.
Call Number: BS2745.52 .C64 2008
ISBN: 9789042920910
Publication Date: 2008
Adorned by Nancy Leigh DeMossSummary: "This rich study of the instructions to women in Titus 2 provides a roadmap to help you experience the kind of community and influence God designed you to have in the church and the world."--Jacket flap.
Call Number: BV4527 .W583 2017
ISBN: 9780802412591
Publication Date: 2017
Entrusted with the Gospel by D. A. Carson (Editor)The church needs a strong reminder of the glorious weight of Scripture. The Bible is preached from the pulpit less and less, and we need to return to what is most important. The Gospel Coalition seeks to address this need. It exists “to be robustly biblical, richly theological, constantly elevating what God himself in his own Word makes central.” Stemming from the coalition’s 2009 National Conference and edited by D. A. Carson, this book explores the great responsibility of being entrusted with the gospel. Through six sermons expositing 2 Timothy, John Piper, Phil Ryken, Edward Copeland, Bryan Chapell, and Ligon Duncan model faithful preaching rooted in Scripture. These pastors take up themes such as unashamed courage in gospel preaching, rightly dividing the word of truth, pitfalls and parodies of ministry, and finishing well. A great resource for pastors, church leaders, and others in ministry, this volume will help readers better live the vision of 2 Timothy.
Call Number: BS2745.52 .G67 2010
ISBN: 9781433515835
Publication Date: 2010
Pastoral Epistles by Benjamin FioreFirst and Second Timothy and Titus have for many years borne the collective title The Pastoral Epistles." Both their style and their content make it difficult to locate them within the corpus of Pauline letters, and recent scholarship most often considers them pseudonymous, works that imitate Paul's letters but apply the apostle's teaching to the concerns of a later time, two or more decades after Paul's death. The Pastorals differ from Paul's own letters in being addressed to single individuals, coworkers of Paul who have been placed in charge of particular churches 'Timothy apparently in Ephesus, Titus in Crete. They provide instruction for community leaders, both the individual addressees and other leaders whom they will appoint. The specification of certain offices within the local churches is one of the features that appear to locate these works in a later phase of church development. In this commentary Benjamin Fiore, SJ, places the Pastorals in their historical and literary context. The reader will find here a solid introduction to parallel literary forms in Latin and Greek literature and particular descriptions of the way in which these documents use ancient rhetorical forms to achieve their paraenetic and hortatory purpose. Drawing on his parish experience as well as his academic training, Fiore also provides reflections on the contemporary pastoral application of these books, giving readers a renewed appreciation for the "pastoral" label these epistles bear.
Call Number: BS2735.52 .F56 2007
ISBN: 9780814658147
Publication Date: 2007
Paul's Utilization of Preformed Traditions in 1 Timothy by Mark YarbroughMark Yarbrough assesses the question of whether traditional 'preformed' material contributes to the message and understanding of Paul's first letter to Timothy. The issue is addressed in three sections. Part one evaluates previous works interacting with 'traditional' material in the New Testament. Through a critique of historically proposed criteria, Yarbrough identifies eight criteria as the primary tools by which to discern units of preformed material. In the second part of the book Yarbrough evaluates nineteen passages in 1 Timothy according to the criteria previously determined. From this base he embraces twelve of the nineteen passages as preformed material. These passages are subsequently examined in depth according to the author's distinct methodology. Part three demonstrates four functions of the preformed traditions in 1 Timothy. Firstly, that they may be seen as strengthening the literary cohesion of the letter. Secondly, that the traditional units afford the author rhetorical leverage which may be best identified as the provision of authority, the establishment of an instant rapport with the primary audience, and the assistance conferred in addressing this implied audience. Thirdly, they present theological directives that confront the character and belief of the false teachers. Finally, Yarbrough asserts that the preformed traditions exist as a combatant against counter-mission doctrine. In conclusion, this study displays that the traditional material which may be discerned within the letter contributes significantly to the overall message and understanding of 1 Timothy.
Call Number: BS2745.52 .Y37 2009
ISBN: 9780567254900
Publication Date: 2010
Shepherd Strong Living 1 and 2 Timothy by Bruce FongThis volume is an expositional thinking through 1 & 2 Timothy from a pastor's experience. Once we know the author's intent in these two Pastoral Epistles, how then do we put those instructions into practice? If we know both the challenges facing the church and have an understanding of God's revelation to pastors who shepherd His church, then we can start living our daily lives accordingly. This volume addresses that implementation issue.
Call Number: BS2745.54 .F66 2012
ISBN: 9781481816472
Publication Date: 2013
Wealth in Ancient Ephesus and the First Letter to Timothy by Gary G. HoagScholars are divided in their views about the teachings on riches in 1 Timothy. Evidence that has been largely overlooked in NT scholarship appears in Ephesiaca by Xenophon of Ephesus and suggests that the topic be revisited. Recently dated to the mid-first century C.E., Ephesiaca brings to life what is known from ancient sources about the social setting and cultural rules of the wealthy in Ephesus and provides details that enhance our knowledge of life and society in that place and time. In this volume, Hoag introduces Ephesiaca and employs a socio-rhetorical methodology to explore it alongside other ancient evidence and five passages in 1 Timothy (2:9–15; 3:1–13; 6:1–2a; 6:2b–10; and 6:17–19). His findings augment our modern conception of the Sitz im Leben of the wealthy in Ephesus. Additionally, because Ephesiaca contains some rare terms and themes that are found in 1 Timothy, this groundbreaking research offers fresh insight for biblical reading and interpretation.
Call Number: BS2745.6.W37 H63 2015
ISBN: 9781575068299
Publication Date: 2015
Women in the Church by Andreas J. KöstenbergerThe role of women in the church is highly debated, with Christians on all sides using Paul’s teachings in 1 Timothy to justify their positions. Now in its third edition, this classic book edited by Andreas Köstenberger and Thomas Schreiner offers a robust exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:9–15, looking at the passage’s background, syntax, grammar, and enduring significance. Featuring updated essays and fresh contributions based on the latest research―including an in-depth discussion of the meaning of the phrase “exercise authority”―this volume stands as the most comprehensive exploration of this contested passage to date.