General Information about Copyright and Copyright Protection
The purpose of copyright is to encourage the creation of new works, by ensuring that authors/creators receive attribution for their works and also that the integrity of creative works is preserved.
Exemptions to Copyright
Intellectual Property - for more information about intellectual property and other rights and laws click here.
For information about the Public Domain click here.
Information modified from and materials from the Creative Commons Certificate Program.
A sampling of the documents that have been published related to the Copyright and the CTEA,
that are currently available through the Cairn University Library.
A sampling of the many articles that have been published related to the Copyright and the CTEA,
that are currently available through the Cairn University Library.
A sampling of the many ebooks that have been published related to the Copyright and the CTEA,
that are currently available through the Cairn University Library.
Links to websites that provide more information about Copyright and the CTEA.