Applying a Creative Commons License and Using Creative Commons Licensed Works
Choosing a Creative Commons License
Important things to consider when choosing and applying a Creative Commons License to your work:
- The licenses are irrevocable, meaning that once you apply a CC license to your work it applies until the copyright on that work expires.
- In order to put a CC license on your work you must own the copyright for that work. You cannot put a CC license on works that are in the public domain or that you do not own or control the copyright too.
Applying a Creative Commons License
- Indicate which license you are applying
- Recommended that you include a link to the relevant CC license deed (available at or in the resources section of this page)
- Mark your work so that it is easy for others to find, reuse and give you credit for your work. Best practice would be to follow the TASL approach
- T= Title of the work
- A = Author/Creator of the work
- S = Source, link to the resource
- L = License, link to the relevant CC license deed
Using Creative Commons Licensed Works
When reusing or adapting work with a Creative Commons License you need to
- Indicate that your work is a modification or adaptation of someone else's work
- Mark the work that you are incorporated into your work that was created by someone else
- Give credit to the original creator using the TASL approach above
- Make sure that the license you use to license your work is compatible with the licenses of other works you used in your work. (see adapters license chart under the tools section of this page)
Information modified from and materials from the Creative Commons Certificate Program.