Below is a sampling of the commentaries available through the Masland Library,
Commentary on John by David R. Maxwell (Translator); Joel C. Elowsky (Editor); Cyril of AlexandriaCyril of Alexandria (ca. 378-444), one of the most brilliant representatives of the Alexandrian theological tradition, is best known for championing the term Theotokos (God-bearer) in opposition to Nestorius of Constantinople. Cyril's great Commentary on John, offered here in the Ancient Christian Text series in two volumes, predates the Nestorian controversy, however, and focuses its theological fire power against Arianism. The commentary, which is addressed to catechists, displays Cyril's breath-taking mastery of the full content of the Bible and his painstaking attention to detail as he seeks to offer practical teaching on the cosmic story of God's salvation. David Maxwell provides readers with the first complete English translation of the text since the nineteenth century. It rests on Pusey's critical edition of the Greek text and puts on display Cyril's theological interpretation of Scripture and his appeal to the patristic tradition that preceded him. Today's readers will find the commentary an indispensable tool for understanding Cyril's approach to Scripture.
Call Number: BS2615.53 .C9713 2013
ISBN: 9780830829118
Publication Date: 2013
Exalting Jesus in John by Matt Carter; Josh WredbergReaders will learn to see Christ in all aspects of Scripture, and they will be encouraged by the devotional nature of each exposition presented as sermons and divided into chapters that conclude with a “Reflect & Discuss” section, making this series ideal for small group study, personal devotion, and even sermon preparation. It’s not academic but rather presents an easy reading, practical and friendly commentary.
John by Edward W. Klink III; Clinton E. Arnold (General Editor)This series is designed for those who know biblical languages. It is written primarily for the pastor and Bible teacher, not for the scholar. That is, the aim is not to review and offer a critique of every possible interpretation that has ever been given to a passage, but to exegete each passage of Scripture succinctly in its grammatical and historical context. Each passage is interpreted in the light of its biblical setting, with a view to grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical setting. While the focus will not be on application, it is expected that the authors will offer suggestions as to the direction in which application can flow. --
John by Willard M. SwartleyThe gospel of John's from above orientation transforms our human from below assumptions and habits. It draws us into union with God and into unity with one another. It communicates who Jesus is, in both intimate and profound dimensions. The book of John shapes Christian identity, invigorates worship, and implants eternal hope. John's gospel defies description, marvels Swartley, professor emeritus at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. It soars like the eagle, links heaven and earth, and both comforts and convicts the human heart. Its Christology is rich, with a plethora of titles for Jesus-even the divine eternal I AM. Though commentaries on the book of John abound, this volume follows the unique Believers Church Bible Commentary Series format, providing sections on The Text in Biblical Context and The Text in the Life of the Church. According to Swartley, "this format serves well the interests of seminary as well as other graduate students, and pastors especially."
John by Colin G. KruseAmong the Gospels, John's is unique. It has a structure with long conversations and extended debates, and much of its content is not found elsewhere. Jesus' relationship to the Father and his teaching on the Holy Spirit are given special prominence. Ultimately, faith, believing in Jesus, is at the center―with signs highlighted to provoke faith, and stories of those who responded to Jesus as examples of faith. Colin Kruse ably shows how the Fourth Gospel weaves its themes of belief and unbelief into its rich Christology. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries have long been a trusted resource for Bible study. Written by some of the world's most distinguished evangelical scholars, these twenty volumes offer clear, reliable, and relevant explanations of every book in the New Testament. The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series. These Tyndale volumes are designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means. The introduction to each volume gives a concise but thorough description of the authorship, date, and historical background of the biblical book under consideration. The commentary itself examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes. It also comments on individual verses and deals with problems of interpretation. The aim throughout is to get at the true meaning of the Bible and to make its message plain to readers today.
Call Number: BS2615.53 .K78 2017
ISBN: 9780830842940
Publication Date: 2017
John by R. Kent HughesFollow along with pastor Kent Hughes in this engaging commentary as he leads you through this magnificent book of the Bible. His careful exposition and wise application will guide you to a richer understanding of not only God’s greatness, but of his great goodness to us all.
Call Number: BS2615.53 .H77 2014
ISBN: 9781433539190
Publication Date: 2014
John by Marianne Meye ThompsonAlmost from the earliest days of the church, John's distinctive presentation of Jesus has provoked discussion about its place among the other Gospels. One cannot help but see the differences from the Synoptics and wonder about the origins and character of John. In this new volume in the New Testament Library series, Marianne Meye Thompson explores the ministry and significance of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Gospel of John, paying special attention to the social, cultural, and historical contexts that produced it. John's Gospel, Thompson posits, is the product of a social-cultural world whose language, commitments, and contours must be investigated in order to read John's narrative well. In doing so, Thompson studies the narrative, structure, central themes, and theological and rhetorical arguments found in the Fourth Gospel. Thompson's expert commentary unpacks and illuminates John's unique witness to Jesus--who he was, what he did, and what that means.
The Branches of the Gospel of John by Kyle KeeferIn The Branches of the Gospel of John, Keefer presents a new paradigm for understanding the role of history of interpretation in New Testament studies, with a focus on the Gospel of John. Drawing largely from the work of Hans Robert Jauss, he presents history of interpretation as a means to understand both the text and the historical reader. Jauss's concept of Rezeptionsästhetik helps the New Testament scholar to reflect upon both text and history in a new light. John is an exemplary work to investigate along these lines because no other canonical book was as provocative in the early church. John was used extensively by Valentinians but also by the best-known opponent of Valentinus, Irenaeus. Later, major figures such as Origen, Augustine, and John Chrysostom worked through this gospel, chapter by chapter, to produce either commentaries (Origen) or sets of homilies (Augustine and Chrysostom). What emerges in The Branches of the Gospel of John is a realization that these early interpreters prove fruitful for both textual and historical study of the Fourth Gospel. With regard to history, early interpreters of John provide data points for understanding John in second- and third-century contexts. Although these early interpretations do not explain the origins of John's gospel, they nevertheless provide us with evidence of the Fourth Gospel's historical role in the construction of the early church. With regard to literary and textual issues, the present book demonstrates that these early readings of John can open up fresh avenues of interpretation for contemporary readers.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780567028617
Publication Date: 2006
The Fourth Gospel and the Scriptures by Wm Randolph BynumIn The Fourth Gospel and the Scriptures, Bynum presents new insights from ancient biblical manuscripts 4QXII and the Minor Prophets Scroll that help unlock the mystery of John's unique form of scriptural citation.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9789004228436
Publication Date: 2012
The Gospel of John by Paul Louis Metzger; Rick McKinley (Afterword by); Leonard Sweet (Foreword by); Leonard I. SweetThe Resonate series recovers the ancient wisdom of Scripture and helps us understand how it resonates with our complex world. The stories and insights of each book of the Bible are brought into conversation with contemporary voices of hope and lament--the cultural messages we interact with on a daily basis. The Scriptures become a meeting ground where God speaks to the pressing concerns of our day, and we are confronted in turn with a fresh experience of God's truth. In this journey through the Gospel of John, Paul Louis Metzger wrestles with the question of what happens when God, who is love, comes to town and takes up residence among us. For some this new neighbor love is welcome; for others, unusual; for still others, suspect--even dangerous. We learn from John's Gospel what it means to be called friends and lovers of God, what it means to put love to death and what it means for love to rise again in our midst and in our lives.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780830836413
Publication Date: 2010
The Gospel of John - More Light from Philo, Paul and Archaeology by Peder BorgenIn The Gospel of John: More Light from Philo, Paul and Archaeology Peder Borgen uncovers John's expository character, defines its place within gospel traditions, relates archaeological findings and theology, and strengthens the view that John is independent of the Synoptics.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9789004247901
Publication Date: 2014
John's Gospel by Christian AskelandThis monograph explores the history of the Coptic tradition of John's gospel, considering when these ancient Egyptian witnesses are profitable for determining the earliest readings of their Greek source text. The standard critical edition of the Greek New Testament cites the Coptic versions no fewer than 1,000 times in John's gospel. For these citations, that edition references six dialectally distinct Coptic translations: the Achmimic, Bohairic, Lycopolitan (Subachmimic), Middle Egyptian Fayumic, Proto-Bohairic, and Sahidic versions. In addition to examining these, this project considers newly published texts from the Fayumic and Middle Egyptian traditions. Apart from a pivotal article on Coptic and New Testament textual criticism by Gerd Mink in 1972, Coptological research has progressed with only limited contact with Greek textual criticism. The discovery of various apocryphal Christian texts in Coptic translations has further diverted attention from Greek textual criticism. This project contributes to this subject area by applying recent advances in Coptology, and exploring the various facets of the Coptic translations. In particular, the monograph investigates (1) translation technique, (2) Greek-Coptic linguistic differences, (3) the reliability of the Coptic manuscript tradition, (4) the relationships between the Coptic versions, and (5) relevant contributions from the scholarly community. John's gospel is extant in more Coptic dialectal versions than any other biblical text. As a result, the gospel offers unique insight into the nature of the ancient Egyptian Christian communities.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9783110281385
Publication Date: 2012
John's Gospel by Mark W. G. Stibbe; Revd Mark W. G. StibbeJohn's Gospel is an innovative study which shows how the current plurality of literary methodologies can be used effectively to illuminate the text of the fourth gospel. Dr Stibbe, the well-respected author of three previous volumes on St John, uses the methods of structuralism, deconstructionism and narrative criticism in his interpretation. A detailed introduction makes his book accessible to the non-specialist.The book is an invaluable guide to John's Gospel for all those interested in the Bible as literature. It is important reading for all theologians, students of theology and ministers of religion.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780415095105
Publication Date: 1994
John: The Gospel of Wisdom by Michael CardJohn, the longest-surviving of the apostles, recorded in his Gospel a portrait of Jesus built on years of reflection. In this last volume of the Biblical Imagination Series, Michael Card shows how John fills out our picture of Jesus'divine identity, with stories and sayings of Jesus not recorded by the other Gospel writers..
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780830844135
Publication Date: 2014
John the Baptizer and Prophet by Robert L. WebbUsing recent methodological advances in historical Jesus research, this book examines the figure of John by focusing on the two characteristic roles which he publicly performed-baptizer and prophet. The significance of these roles is studied within the context of late Second Temple Judaism in order to understand John within his social and historical context. Part I examines the traditions concerning John in Josephus's Antiquities as well as in canonical and extra canonical Gospels. Part II studies John's role as baptizer by analysing the functions of ablutions in the Old Testament and Second Temple Jewish literature, especially the Qumran literature. Part III analyses John's public role of prophet. John is seen as the leader of a prophetic movement, whose sociopolitical orientation may be compared with similar movements of the period.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9781850753162
Publication Date: 1991
Mapping Metaphorical Discourse in the Fourth Gospel by Beth M. StovellIn Mapping Metaphorical Discourse in the Fourth Gospel, Beth M. Stovell examines the metaphor of Jesus as king throughout the Fourth Gospel using an interdisciplinary metaphor theory incorporating cognitive and systemic functional linguistic approaches with literary approaches.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9789004223615
Publication Date: 2012
Retelling Scripture by Ruth SheridanUsing narrative-rhetorical methodologies, including characterisation theory, this book offers a close reading of the Old Testament citations found in John 1:19-12:15 as they are addressed to ‘the Jews'in the narrative, shedding new light upon the issue of Johannine anti-Judaism.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9789004214422
Publication Date: 2012
The Symbol of Water in the Gospel of John by Larry Paul JonesThis study explores the meaning and function of water as a literary symbol in the Gospel of John. Jones first gives an account of symbol: it points beyond itself, it defies clear and definitive perceptual expression, and it in some way embodies that which it represents. Then he examines the narrative sections of John that involve water, plotting the expanding meaning and function of the symbol as the narrative unfolds. The study concludes that water serves primarily as a symbol of the Spirit and therein symbolizes Jesus. The symbol of water calls a wide variety of readers to a decision and functions as a bridge linking the new identity believers receive when they come to faith in Jesus with the traditions from which they came.
The Gospel of John and Christian Origins by John AshtonOne of the most interesting questions facing New Testament scholars --How did Christianity emerge from Judaism? -- is often addressed in general and indirect terms. John Ashton argues that in thecase of the Fourth Gospel, an answer is to be found in the religious experience of the Evangelist himself, who turned from being a practicing Jew to professing a new revelation centered on Christ as the intermediary between God and humanity.
Call Number: BS2615.52 .A83 2014
ISBN: 9781451472141
Publication Date: 2014
The Gospel of John in Modern Interpretation by Stanley E. Porter (Editor); Ron C. Fay (Editor)"The Gospel of John in Modern Interpretation provides a unique look at the lives and work of eight interpreters who have significantly influenced Johannine studies over the last two centuries. Thechapters contain short biographical sketches of the scholars that illuminate their personal and academic lives, followed by summaries and evaluations of their major works, and concluding with an analysis of the ongoing relevance of their work in contemporary Johannine scholarship. Key thinkers surveyed include C.H. Dodd, Rudolph Bultmann, Raymond Brown, Leon Morris, and R. Alan Culpepper. An introduction and conclusion by general editors Stanley Porter and Ron Fay trace the development of Johannine scholarship from F.C. Baur to the present, and examine how these eight scholars' contributions to Johannine studies have shaped thefield. Anyone interested in the recent history of the study of John will find this volume indispensable."--Back cover.
Call Number: BS2615.52 .G675 2018
ISBN: 9780825445101
Publication Date: 2018
John by Michael Card"When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth." - John 16:13 "He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe. His testimony is true, and he knows he is telling the truth." - John 19:35 With time and experience comes wisdom. John, the longest-surviving of the apostles, recorded in his Gospel a portrait of Jesus that displays the depth of years of reflection on who Jesus is and what he means to the world. Writing in light of the philosophies of his day, John describes Jesus as the incarnate Word, the divine Logos, the embodiment of all truth and wisdom. In this last volume of the Biblical Imagination Series, Michael Card completes his work on the four Gospels. He shows how John stands alongside the other Gospel writers to fill out the picture of Jesus' divine identity, with stories and sayings of Jesus not recorded by the others. This Jesus reorients our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, offering us nothing less than the way, the truth and the life. Like John before him, Card has written these words so that we may better believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing we have life in his name.
Call Number: BS2615.53 .C37 2014
ISBN: 9780830844135
Publication Date: 2014
John, His Gospel, and Jesus by Stanley E. PorterIn this volume Stanley Porter tackles a wide variety of important and often highly contentious topics within John's Gospel as a means of defining and capturing the distinctive Johannine voice. Topics discussed include John's Gospel in relation to competing Gospels, the public proclamation of Jesus in John, the sources of John's Gospel, John's prologue, the "I Am" sayings, the notion of truth, the Passover theme, and the ending of John's Gospel. Each chapter, besides surveying representative research, puts forward new and insightful proposals regarding the topics concerned. Porter does not shy away from topics that have often perplexed Johannine scholars, and he confronts some of the viewpoints that have led to confusion in the field. Significantly, each chapter considers the Johannine voice as it represents, presents, and treats Jesus, grounding the book in the wider field of Gospel and New Testament investigation.
Call Number: BS2615.52 .P76 2015
ISBN: 9780802871701
Publication Date: 2015
John and Philosophy by Troels Engberg-PedersenJohn and Philosophy. A New Reading of the Fourth Gospel' offers a Stoic reading of the Fourth Gospel, especially its cosmology, epistemology, and ethics. It works through the gospel in narrative sequence providing a 'philosophical narrative reading'. In each section of the gospel Troels Engberg-Pedersen raises discusses philosophical questions. He compares John with Paul (in philosophy) and Mark (in narrative) to offer a new reading of the transmitted text of the Fourth Gospel. Of these two profiles, the narrative one is strongly influenced by the literary critical paradigm. Moreover, by attending carefully to a number of narratological features, one may come to see that the transmitted text in fact hangs together much more coherently than scholarship has been willing to see. The other profile is specifically philosophical. Scholarship has been well aware that the Fourth Gospel has what one might call a philosophical dimension. Engberg-Pedersen shows that throughout the Gospel contemporary Stoicism, works better to illuminate the text. This pertains to the basic cosmology (and cosmogony) that is reflected in the text, to the epistemology that underlies a central theme in it regarding different types of belief in Jesus, to the ethics that is introduced fairly late in the text when Jesus describes how the disciples should live once he has himself gone away from them, and more.
Call Number: BS2615.52 .E543 2017
ISBN: 9780198792505
Publication Date: 2017
Journeying with John by James Woodward; Paula Gooder; Mark PryceJourneying with John offers a brief and accessible guide to the Gospel of John for learning and reflection. Following the Revised Common Lectionary, each chapter corresponds to a season of the liturgical year and the Gospel passages read during that season. The reader will find an introduction to the biblical text that looks at historical and literary themes; imaginative new ways to encounter John in preaching and study, including poetry; and reflections on the text's meaning for contemporary Christian life. Each chapter ends with an action item, reflection questions, and a prayer.This resource is perfect for lectionary pastors to use during personal reflection and sermons preparation.