The Cambridge Companion to the Trinity by Peter C. Phan (Editor)"How do Christians reconcile their belief in one God with the concept of three divine 'persons'? This Companion provides an overview of how the Christian doctrine of the Trinity has been understood and articulated in the last two thousand years. The Trinitarian theologies of key theologians, from the New Testament to the twentieth century, are carefully examined and the doctrine of the Trinity is brought into dialogue with non-Christian religions as well as with other Christian beliefs. Authors from a range of denominational backgrounds explore the importance of Trinitarian thought, locating the Trinity within the wider context of systematic theology. Contemporary theology has seen a widespread revival of the doctrine of the Trinity and this book incorporates the most recent developments in the scholarship"-- Provided by publisher.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780521877398
Publication Date: 2011
An Introduction to the Trinity by Declan Marmion; Rik Van Nieuwenhove"Over the last decade there has been a resurgence of writing on the Trinity, indicating a renewal of ideas and debate concerning this key element of Christian theology. This introduction challenges the standard account of a decline and revival in Trinitarian theology, taking into account recent, alternative readings of the theological tradition by Lewis Ayres and Michel Barnes amongst other scholars. By clearly analysing the scope of these new approaches, the authors establish the importance of a considered understanding of the Trinity, resisting the notion of separating faith and reason and identifying theology's link to spirituality. Their account also eschews the easy stereotypes of Western Christianity's supposedly more Unitarian approach as opposed to the more Trinitarian view of the East. Offering an overview of the main people and themes in Trinitarian theology past and present, this book thus provides an accessible, comprehensive guide for students and scholars alike"--Provided by publisher.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780521879521
Publication Date: 2010
The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity by Matthew Levering (Editor); Gilles Emery (Editor)This book examines the history of Trinitarian theology and reveals the Nicene unity still at work among Christians today despite ecumenical differences and the variety of theological perspectives. The forty-three articles are organized into the following seven parts: the Trinity in Scripture, Patristic witnesses to the Trinitarian faith, Medieval appropriations of the Trinitarian faith, the Reformation through to the twentieth century, Trinitarian dogmatics, the Trinity and Christian life, and Dialogues (addressing ecumenical, interreligious, and cultural interactions). The phrase 'Trinitarian faith' can hardly be understood outside of reference to the Councils of Nicaea and Constantinople and to their reception: the doctrine of the Trinity is indissociably connected to the reading of Scripture through the ecclesial and theological traditions. The modern period is characterized especially by the arrival of history, under two principal aspects: 'historical theology' and 'philosophies of history'. In contemporary theology, the principal 'theological loci' are Trinity and creation, Trinity and grace, Trinity and monotheism, Trinity and human life (ethics, society, politics, and culture), and more broadly Trinity and history. In all these areas, the book offers articles that do justice to the diversity of viewpoints, while also providing, as far as possible, a coherent ensemble.
The Birth of the Trinity by Matthew W. BatesBates explores how early Christians read the Old Testament in order to differentiate the one God as multiple persons. The earliest Christians felt they could metaphorically 'overhear' divine conversations between the Father, Son, and Spirit when reading the Old Testament. The connection of these snatches of dialogue forms a narrative about the unfolding interior divine life as understood by the nascent church. What emerges is not a static portrait of the triune God, but a developing story of divine persons enacting mutual esteem, voiced praise, collaborative strategy, and self-sacrificial love.
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ISBN: 9780198729563
Publication Date: 2015
Confessing the Triune God by Daniel CasteloAt the heart of Christian witness is the confession of the triune God. Confessing the Triune God seeks to extend a conversation on Christianity's first article by way of locating Trinitarianism in the life of the worshiping faithful. It does so through an ongoing dialectic between broad and particular confessional lines. Its breadth is constituted by an ongoing assessment of ecumenical consensus and scholarly debates related to Trinitarianism; its repeated framing stems from and returns to the Wesleyan and Methodist family of traditions. In this way, Christian commitments regarding the Trinity can be depicted for their wide appeal as well as their particular logic within a specific worshiping community. The work seeks to guide readers through a process of growing awareness of how the dogma of the Trinity is central to all that Christians say, do, and hope to be.
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ISBN: 9781620325049
Publication Date: 2014
God the Trinity by Malcolm B. Yarnell"Is the Trinity biblical? Is it necessary to affirm God as three persons in one being? Despite a renewed interest in the Trinity in recent years, many Christians, including most evangelicals, either relegate the Son of God to creaturely status or repudiate the personhood of the Holy Spirit. In addition, numerous scholars assert that the doctrine of the Trinity is not clearly revealed in Scripture. Is the Trinity merely a philosophical construction, or is it essential to orthodox Christianity? Drawing on hermeneutics and biblical and historical theology, Malcolm Yarnell crafts a careful and clear response to these issues through exegesis of pivotal texts from both testaments. He also challenges the reader to discern the implications of the Trinity for personal salvation as well as corporate worship"--Back cover.
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ISBN: 9781433680748
Publication Date: 2016
The Lord Is the Spirit by Andrew K. GabrielThe Lord is the Spirit (2 Cor 3:17) . . . and yet one might be excused for thinking otherwise when reading studies on God's attributes - omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, immutability, impassibility, and the like. Although Christians throughout theages have defended the deity of the Holy Spirit, theologians have not adequately taken the doctrine of the Holy Spirit into account when formulating a theology of the divine attributes. The resulting understandings of God fall short of being fully Trinitarian. Gabriel builds on contemporary Trinitarian theology by advocating for the integration of insights from pneumatology into the doctrine of God's attributes. Three case studies are presented: impassibility, immutability, and omnipotence. Gabriel writes from an evangelical and Pentecostal vantage point as he engages in ecumenical dialogue with a wide spectrum of historical and contemporary theological voices.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780227680315
Publication Date: 2012
The One God by Michael L. ChiavoneIn what sense is God one? How can those who worship Jesus Christ, his Father, and the Holy Spirit claim to be monotheists? These questions were answered by the early church, and their answering analogies, models, and language have come down to the church today. However, theology is not stagnant, and the twentieth century has seen several new models of the Trinity emerge. Many of these models have focused on the three persons without adequately considering the consequences for the unity of God. The One God seeks to develop an understanding of the unity of the Triune God by examining the positions put forward by Karl Rahner, Millard Erickson, John Zizioulas, and Wolfhart Pannenberg. After carefully presenting and critically examining each of these positions, this book offers a synthesis: an understanding of the unity of God that is historically informed, theologically adequate, internally coherent, and able to explain Christian monotheism in a new century. By affirming both the singular divine essence of God and the genuine, eternal interdependence of distinct divine persons in God, The One God affirms the personal and the natural levels of ontology, both crucial for understanding God, humanity, and the world.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780227173626
Publication Date: 2011
Paul and the Trinity by Wesley HillPaul's ways of speaking about God, Jesus, and the Spirit are intricately intertwined: talking about any one of the three, for Paul, implies reference to all of them together. However, much current Pauline scholarship discusses Paul's God-, Christ-, and Spirit-language without reference to trinitarian theology. In contrast to that trend, Wesley Hill argues in this book that later, post-Pauline trinitarian theologies represent a better approach, opening a fresh angle on Paul's earlier talk about God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit. Hill looks critically at certain well-known discussions in the field of New Testament studies -- those by N. T. Wright, Richard Bauckham, Larry Hurtado, and others -- in light of patristic and contemporary trinitarian theologies, resulting in an innovative approach to an old set of questions. Adeptly integrating biblical exegesis and historical-systematic theology, Hill's Paul and the Trinity shows how trinitarian theologies illumine interpretive difficulties in a way that more recent theological concepts have failed to do. Watch a 2015 interview with the author of this book here:
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780802869647
Publication Date: 2015
Trinitarian Theology by Keith Whitfield (Editor)The heart of Christianity is trinitarian. The subject matter of Trinitarian Theology casts a long shadow over our faith. The relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit is central to the salvation story. The Trinity is central to Christianity, for the vibrancy of our churches, and for the clarity of our witness in the world. In Trinitarian Theology, Bruce Ware, Malcon B. Yarnell III, Matthew Y. Emerson, and Luke Stamps discuss issues such as the eternal functional subordination of the Son, the nature of the God-human relationship, and theological methods for forming the doctrine of the Trinity. This is a discussion of great importance, offered by scholars who represent varying views held by today's Southern Baptist scholars.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9781535958066
Publication Date: 2019
The Trinity, Practically Speaking by Frank D. MacchiaThree Gods, or One, or Three-in-One? Since the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible, many people wonder whether the doctrine is anything more than an intellectual puzzle created by theologians. This book takes readers on a guided tour of the logic leading to understanding God as a Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Bible (and in Christian experience) are all vital to the reality of salvation. All three save. This point may not seem to be very significant until seen in the light of the basic premise of the entire Bible, namely, that only God can save (Hosea 13:4). There are benefits involved in understanding God as a communion of persons, a circle of love. God is no longer viewed as a distant judge removed from the sorrows of earthly existence. Salvation can be seen as more than mere forgiveness of sins. It also involves a life-transforming communion of divine love. A robust understanding of the Trinity fosters a more full and transformed Christian life.
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9781606570081
Publication Date: 2010
The Trinity: A Guide for the Perplexed by Paul M. CollinsAlthough the doctrine of the Trinity is a core Christian belief, it remains contested in terms of how it is conceptualized and expressed. This essential guide expounds different conceptual models and the technical language used to express these models. Providing a complete overview, as well as new insights into the area, The Trinity: A Guide for the Perplexed is an essential read for students of Christian Theology
Call Number: Online
ISBN: 9780567031846
Publication Date: 2008
Trinity: The God We Don't Know by Byassee, JasonMost people assume they know what they mean when they use the word “God.” They mean a powerful old guy in the sky ready to obliterate us if we do wrong but basically benevolent, if a little senile. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity shows us God is vastly more interesting. God is actually fleshed among us in Jesus, poured out on us in the Holy Spirit's intoxication of the church. God is three divine persons in perfect harmony and beauty—and God invites us into that unimaginable intimacy. We don't know this God, but we should. Trinity uses scripture, the Early Church tradition, and some modern theology to argue that God is a mystery whom we can't understand but who can shape our misunderstanding to allow for faithful living and holy love of God and neighbor.