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Textbooks: School of Divinity: McAlack, M.

Due Date

Due Date: March 7, 2025
Click here to approve or submit changes

Looking to change textbooks for a fall semester course? If you are planning on updating your required texts for a course taught in the fall, you can fill out the additions/changes form and at item information box type “Texts TBD.” Your selection is due by June 1 and cannot be changed after June 1. This is only valid for the fall semester.


CHM 641


CHM 491



BIB 103

Textbooks to be Determined

CHM 491


MIS 422


PSY 101


YTH 122


YTH 222


YTH 422


Approved - with changes

APPROVED with changes


Due Date: March 7, 2025
The textbook selection process has changed! Now, each faculty member will have a dedicated page listing required texts by course.

Instructions for Textbook Adoptions

Step 1. Locate your name either from the professor master list or by your tab under the School. If you are teaching courses in multiple schools, your page will include all your courses on one page.

Step 2. View Courses and Books Listed

  • This was what the library had on file the last time you taught the course OR
  • If this is the first time you are teaching the course, the library listed the last required texts
  • Understanding a record:
      Hyperlinked title: library owns the exact print version of the book
    eBook Available (click the symbol to go to the eBook)
    Required to Purchase
    Recommended to Purchase

Step 3. Approve textbook adoptions and/or make changes: 

Step 4. Share your supplemental title lists.
Do you provide a list of texts to your students for papers, recommended readings, or to complete an assignment? Send your list to the library and the librarians will ensure the books are available (if you do not tell us, we do not know).

Questions? see our FAQ

Due Date: March 7, 2025