Instructions are provided for searching for statistics in the following databases. The Masland Library subscribes to databases from various providers, and instructions are provided for each provider.
EBSCO Databases - including but not limited to the following:
- Academic Search Ultimate
- America: History and Life
- Art & Architecture
- Associates Program
- ATLA Religion
- Business Source Ultimate
- Communications & Mass Media Collection
- Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
- Education Source
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
- SocIndex
- Teacher Reference Center
Gale Databases - including but not limited to the following:
- Academic OneFile
- Business Collection
- Business Economics and Theory
- Communications and Mass Media Collection
- Computer Databases
- Criminal Justice Collection
- Diversity Studies
- Educator's Reference Complete
- Environmental Studies
- Gender Studies
- General One File
- Health & Wellness
- Military and Intelligence
- Nursing and Allied Health
ProQuest Databases - including but not limited to the following:
- ABI/Inform
- Religion Database
- JSTOR Arts and Sciences
- JSTOR Business and Economics
Statista - best database for locating statistics on a wide range of topics, particularly related to business, economics, etc.