The databases listed below are not subscribed to by the Masland Library. They are available through the internet and may or may not be as well maintained as the databases subscribed to by the library. However, they still have valuable information and provide additional resources not available in the library databases. In addition, it is important to remember that not all of the articles listed in these databases are free.
Databases are the best place to locate articles. Below are a sample of the databases available through the Masland Library.
Below are some tips to help you search in the library catalog and databases:
Keywords - also called search terms are words used to describe a resource. When choosing keywords look at your topic, research question or thesis statement and choose the most important words and use those words to search for information on your topic. Avoid common words, which will give you to many results.
Boolean Operators - are used to combine search terms together to retrieve more relevant results.
Limiters - databases have many different ways that you can limit your search, some of the most common limits are listed below
Bibliographic Searching - Use the citations in the articles you have found that are relevant to your topic to find similar articles.
This is just some of the many search tips. For more information about locating and evaluating resources check out the Information Literacy Module or schedule a Research Consultation